To next set of damage pictures.

Since the little men inside my engine wanted to come out, they decided to cause some damage to let me know who was in charge. I started by taking off the intake manifold and finding pieces of metal everywhere. The roller lifters, I assumed were the culprit. I took them out to find them cracked and even missing a piece. The bent pushrod seemed minimal, too. There had to be something more broken than this to make that wretched noise I heard. The following pictures start to paint a portrait of the engine's demise. I'll have to take the short block out to further asses the damage, but somehow the broken rods usually tell that the entire block and rotating assembly is junk. The only sign I have of a miracle is that the oil pan is bruised, not broken, and the block has all its pieces and no new vent holes. Obviously more pictures will follow.

The uneven tops of the valve retainers let me know something was wrong.

With a light in the sparkplug hole, I was able to see daylight through the intake valve.

The #8 piston abused the chamber a bit before it broke the rod that held it.

This is what greeted me when the head came off.

The piston turned in its hole and the scars it received from the valves and quench area.

These aren't special valves, they're just bent.

To next set of damage pictures.